FILMMAKER INTERVIEW | Ben Foster, Co-Director of "Time Trap" EditorialsMotion Media Arts CenterOctober 25, 20172017, asof, austin cinemaker space, austin film festival, austin school of film, ben foster, Director, film, interview, scifi, Time Trap Comment
CASTING CALL for Austin School of Film Short Film "LOST AND MISSING" The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterJune 7, 2017asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, casting call, Jeremy Nelson, LOST AND MISSING, short filmComment
CASTING CALL for Austin School of Film Short Film "Safe Distance" The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterJune 7, 2017asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, casting call, Safe Distance, short filmComment
CAST + CREW CALL for CINE JOVEN Webseries "Cuando cae la Noche" The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterJanuary 19, 2017asof, austin school of film, casting call, cine joven, crew call, cuando cae la noche, webseries, youth filmmakingComment
CREW CALL for Round Rock Feature Film "Crazy4You" [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterDecember 6, 2016asof, austin cinemaker space, blog, crazy4you, crew call, DP, feature film, paid, sound designerComment
DP WANTED for Short Film "Dog Hair" [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterDecember 1, 2016asof, austin cinemaker space, blog, crew call, director of photography, dog hair, DP, film, filmmaking, paid, RK Film Co-, robert king, short filmComment
Wedding VIDEOGRAPHER Wanted! [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterNovember 15, 2016asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, crew call, paid, videographer, wedding videoComment
MIX/VHS | Halloween Edition! mixVHSMotion Media Arts CenterOctober 26, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, carrie cates, felix lenz, film, halloween, jake sanders, JJ Pollack, movies, music video, october, sloane lenz, spencer mirabal, staff picksComment
REVIEW | Certain Women Gimmie a GradeMotion Media Arts CenterOctober 25, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, certain women, drama, feature film, film, jake sanders, kelly reichardt, kristen stewart, laura dern, lily gladstone, michelle williams, montana, reviewComment
CASTING CALL for Austin Short Film "COFFEE + TACOS" The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterOctober 25, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, carrie cates, cast, casting call, Coffee and Tacos, film, romantic comedy, short film, spencer mirabalComment
CREW CALL for City Emergency Training Video The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 26, 2016asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, city, crew call, emergency, film, students, training videoComment
VIDEOGRAPHERS WANTED for Prince Tribute Show [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 22, 2016asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, burlesque show, crew call, film, live, mistress of musicality, paid, videographerComment
CASTING CALL for Avenged Sevenfold Music Video [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 20, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, avenged sevenfold, blog, cast, casting call, film, music video, paid, rockComment
FILMMAKER WANTED for Dance Project [PAID] The Cork BoardMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 19, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, camera, cinematographer, crew call, dance project, editor, film, filmmaker, motion media arts center, paid, stacye markeyComment
Instructor Highlight! Corey Kline What's Happening at ASoFMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 8, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, Corey Kline, digital media, film, filmmaking, instructor highlight, Lighting Design, staff highlight, teachingComment
MIX/VHS | Week 019 mixVHSMotion Media Arts CenterSeptember 7, 2016arts, asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, carrie cates, cinema, digital media, felix lenz, film, filmmaking, jake sanders, JJ Pollack, short film, sloane lenz, spencer mirabal, staff picksComment
Filmmaker Interview | Jamie K. Kennedy | 'Voice for the Lonely' Editorials, What's Happening at ASoFMotion Media Arts CenterAugust 26, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, digital media, drama, film, filmmaking, indie, interview, Jamie K- Kennedy, short film, short films, Voice for the LonelyComment
MIX/VHS | Week 018 mixVHSMotion Media Arts CenterAugust 24, 2016anne kelley, arts, asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, carrie cates, cinema, digital media, Faiza Kracheni, felix lenz, film, filmmaking, jake sanders, music video, short film, sloane lenz, spencer mirabal, staff picks, week 018Comment
#SupportASoF and the NEW Motion Media Arts Center! What's Happening at ASoFMotion Media Arts CenterAugust 18, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, crowd funding, digital media, education, film, filmmaking, IndieGoGo, maker space, motion media arts center, texasComment
MIX/VHS | Week 017 mixVHSMotion Media Arts CenterAugust 17, 2016asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, blog, carrie cates, digital media, felix lenz, film, filmmaking, jake sanders, JJ Pollack, morgan mccoy, music video, short film, sloane lenz, spencer mirabal, staff picksComment