#SupportASoF and the NEW Motion Media Arts Center!


As you've probably already heard, the Austin School of Film will be renewing our look as the Motion Media Arts Center at a brand new location in east Austin! New_ASoF_Building_mbcfjv

This new building is almost 20,000 square feet, which means we will have way more room to expand our services: more classes, more computer labs, artist studios, and that's only the beginning!

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This exciting move is coming up very soon in September and, even though we have 75% of our funds for it, we are still looking for that last 25% percent to help us make this space for the Austin community.

And this is why we need YOUR help!

Any size donation to our IndieGoGo Campaign will push us closer to having the Motion Media Arts Center up and running to give our city affordable access to creative spaces, classes, and community.

Passionate photographer early in the morning

Even if you don't have the funds to donate (trust me, we understand), you can still help us out by sharing our IndieGoGo Campaign, sharing your story of what you love about us, or just spreading the word about us as much as you can! We appreciate every bit of help we can get!

If you want to know more about the new Motion Media Arts Center, be sure to check out our Website, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Written by: Morgan McCoy