MEMBER MONDAYS | Rakefet Laviolette
VIDEOGRAPHER WANTED for Audition Video + Music Video [PAID]
MIX/VHS | Week 049
mixVHSMotion Media Arts Centeranimation, austin cinemaker space, Faiza Kracheni, film, movies, music, spencer mirabal, staff picks, Week 049, Weekly Recommendations
MEMBER MONDAYS | Mark Blumberg
MEMBER MONDAYMotion Media Arts Center2017, art, artist, austin, austin cinemaker space, documentary, film, filmmaker, interview, Mark Blumberg, music, UT
MIX/VHS | Week 046
mixVHSMotion Media Arts Center046, austin cinemaker space, Cameron Guernon, carrie cates, Clete Donovan, comedy, featured, film, horror, jake sanders, Miranda Garza, music, short film, spencer mirabal, staff picks, TV, Weekly Recommendations
MEMBER MONDAYS | Jeremy Nelson
MEMBER MONDAYMotion Media Arts Centeraustin cinemaker space, austin school of film, documentary, featured, film, filmmaker, graphic designer, Jeremy Nelson, music, photographer, storytelling
MIX/VHS | Week 035
mixVHSMotion Media Arts Center035, 2017, animation, art, austin cinemaker space, carrie cates, featured, felix lenz, film, jake sanders, movies, music, recommendations, sloane lenz, spencer mirabal, staff picks, Weekly Recommendations
CASTING CALL for ïçöƞ§_Øf_ïƞĐü§†r¥ Music Video
CAST + CREW CALL for Kit Holmes Dance Music Video
Instructor Jeanne Stern collaborates on 'Songs from the Rainshadow's Edge'
Editorials, What's Happening at ASoFMotion Media Arts Centeranimation, asof, austin, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, benton roark, blog, church of the friendly ghost, film, instructor, jeanne stern, live, music, orchestra, performance, salvage vanguard theater, songs from the rain shadows edge
Staff Highlight! Graphic Designer Bex
Community Spotlight, What's Happening at ASoFMotion Media Arts Centerarts, asof, austin cinemaker space, austin school of film, bex, blog, digital media, graphic designer, la croix, music