Invest In Your Creative Future Now


Real talk: Investing in your creative future can be a challenging endeavor. However, Austin School of Film wants to make the process as accessible to all people as possible. 

In today's technology, you can get vital information via endless google and places like YouTube, but is the information your self-teaching the most efficient and effective?

So, here’s a nudge from us to you to get the skills you need to complete your projects, reach your goals, learn new skills, and in short: follow your creative dreams. From non-linear editing, film production, and creative software training, you'll be guided by our faculty of industry pros to learn-while-doing. We’ve compiled a handful of classes ranging from design to technical media training to creative film production for your eyes to feast!

…and remember: Work smarter, not harder. Get answers to your questions in real-time and gain skills through project based learning.

If you are interested in payment plan options, please shoot us an email at ~ everyone is always approved and all payment plans are customized to fit your budget and your schedule. It’s the non-profit way!


Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro
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Intro to Super 8 Filmmaking Intro to Super 8 Filmmaking Intro to Super 8 Filmmaking Intro to Super 8 Filmmaking
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