MMAC Awarded Program Funding Through GTOPs

Motion Media Arts Center and 8 other fellow organization at City Hall with Mayor Adler.

Motion Media Arts Center and 8 other fellow organization at City Hall with Mayor Adler.

Motion Media Arts Center is excited to announce our organization is one of nine in Austin, Texas awarded funding for digital inclusion programs through GTOPs (Grant for Technology Opportunities Program).

 Through outreach studies, we discovered: this isn’t simply an issue with Mac, it’s an issue many have with the adoption of new technology. 
— MMAC Programs Director

This program will fulfill an educational gap that Motion Media Arts Center has identified in current accessible technology services in the Austin area. Our program will offer a free monthly digital literacy program on Mac computers and tablets aimed to bring patrons of all skill levels up to industry standard computer skills that will ultimately aid in furthering their career paths.

Our goal is to simply remove this fear and therefore increase the use and adoption of these information communication technologies by offering a judgement-free, free-of-cost course on the Mac interface for both Mac OS and mobile i-device technologies.  We feel that by doing this, we can alleviate many people's worries about using the devices and in turn, invite them to better participate in the shaping of our culture while furthering themselves. Ultimately, this free program provides a digital literacy that helps bridge the gap for community members in pursuit of furthering their career and educational pathways in information technology and creative sectors. 

The program will open for registration later this month.