Experimental Filmmaking II
Experimental Filmmaking II
Experimental Media II is a hands-on course that expands on the principles taught in the Avant Garde & Experimental Filmmaking class. It emphasizes the exploration and development of groundbreaking projects in experimental media. Guided by experienced media artists and filmmakers, students will work with digital and film formats to create pieces for a public media exhibition.
In many cases, media artists encounter challenges due to limited budgets when creating new media works for installation or exhibition, as the necessary tools, resources, and space are often inaccessible.
This course offers a solution by providing access to essential equipment and resources. Through active participation, discussion, collaboration, and experimentation in a small class setting, students will cultivate nontraditional storytelling methods and digital media creation skills. This approach opens up pathways for presenting new, meaningful work.
Additionally, the course will delve into experimental approaches to structure, style, technology, and gear, offering a comprehensive understanding of the realm of experimental media.
Course Details:
Focus: Media artists & filmmakers
Duration: 9 weeks + 3 installation/breakdown days
Focus Area: Production and analysis
Environment: Dynamic and collaborative
Exploration: Modern experimental installation and unconventional cinematic experiences
Technologies: Mini DV cameras, DSLRs, Super 8, 16mm, Projection, and specialty digital tools provided by organization
Fab: Wood, walls, and other customary tools and materials provided for installation
Approaches: Nontraditional storytelling methods
Guidance: Creation process from concept to production
Labs: Hands-on practical sessions
Production Pipeline: Step-by-step guidance through production stages
Showcase: Special exhibition during SPRING BREAK/SXSW 2025
* This course is intended for students who have completed our Avant Garde & Experimental Filmmaking course and/or those who have an understanding of both production and historical context of experimental film, film artists, and media arts.
INSTRUCTOR: Faiza Kracheni is a born and raised Texan who currently serves as Austin School of Film's Education & Programming Director. In October 2015, Faiza founded two new programs for the Central Texas community including a sister-program to premiere under the Motion Media Arts Center umbrella, Austin Cinemaker Space in 2016. Austin Cinemaker Space will merge media arts education and community, demand fluency with ever evolving technologies, create and foster a more active learning process and directly serve as a reflection of the changing norms in educational and creative environments in digital media and film for the Austin Community. In addition to her involvement with MMAC, she is an active artist and musician within the Austin community.
This course is receives educational discounts on film stock from Kodak Motion Picture Film
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Students with an interest in art and experimental methods within filmmaking and media creation. Ages 18 & older.
PRE-REQUISITIES: Avant Garde & Experimental Filmmaking or Intro to Super 8 Filmmaking or equivalent analog filmmaking knowledge.
SUPPLIES: Students are responsible for covering any expenses incurred by their experimental project outside the scope of supplied materials, equipment, and tools on-site. Students may check out analog and digital cameras + purchase film stock at a discounted rate at Austin School of Film.
CERTIFICATE: ASoF Digital Video Certificate elective class.
PAYMENT PLANS: Payment plans are available to anyone for any class or workshop. We suggest 50% of the tuition price as your “down payment”. The additional balance can then be split in up to 2 equal payments over the course of weeks or months. All payment plans are customized, to inquire & get started on a plan, please email classes@austinfilmschool.org.
This course and all ASoF courses are certified with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to provide Continue Professional Educational (CPE) credits.