The MMAC team shares recommendations for you: celebrating the approaching new year with new goals and new classes to choose from!

All class recommendations are intro level and 25% off!


Anne’s Pick (Executive Director)
Intro to 2D Animation

I have always been drawn to the imaginative world of animation. This Intro to 2D Digital Animation course will take any person interested, on a journey to learn how to create their very own animations - making their ideas come to life. If you’re a fan of animation and have always wondered how some animations are made or interested in learning creative animation software - this is a good place to start!

Intro to 2D Digital Animation Intro to 2D Digital Animation
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Intro to 2D Digital Animation

Faiza’s Pick (Programs Director)
Intro to Final Cut Pro X

I’m an avid user of Final Cut Pro X and I cannot stress this enough - learn how to edit and learn how to edit efficiently!

Sure, you can watch youtube videos but why not just take a class with an industry trained professional and learn all you need to know over the course of the weekend? As someone who is always spreading myself thin with too many project (oops), editing efficiently is something that saves me hours of time. If you’re more of a Adobe user, Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro is also an option. Get the basics down and get your edit on!

Intro to Final Cut Pro Intro to Final Cut Pro Intro to Final Cut Pro
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Intro to Final Cut Pro

Carrie’s Pick (Community Director)
Movie Making Camp

I wish we had camps like this when I was a kid, growing up in Indiana. I'm one of the founders of the Austin Youth Film Festival, and every year, I get the chance to witness some of the best and brightest films, and they're made by KIDS.  This camp gives youth the fundamentals of making short films while being a really neat place for them to meet other kids that love movies to.  When you get the chance to see a kid look through a camera with that much determination and energy, it's exciting to think about what the future will be like.


Emily’s Pick (UX Designer & Front-End Dev)
Intro to Photoshop

If you’re at all interested in the ever-expanding world of professional graphic design, Intro to Adobe Photoshop is absolutely essential. This is still the first and most crucial tool in any designer’s toolbox, even after all these years! There’s a reason Photoshop has remained the #1 image editor (amongst both professional and amateur designers) for literal decades while other image editing software comes and goes as mere fleeting trends… You’ll be sipping kool-aid with the rest of Adobe’s design cult (sorry, ceremonial robes not included) by the end of your first day of class, too— come see what all that hype is about and start designing like the pros!


Joey’s Pick (Community Manager)
Intro to Special FX

In todays world many people overlook the importance of using practical effects over computer generated ones, especially in the low budget film world. I feel many people shy away from practical effects due to a lack of understanding on how to utilize it properly. This course, taught by Jennifer Cunningham, an amazing local artist, breaks down special effects for maximum efficiency for low budget film makers. Take this course especially if your interested in genre filmmaking.


Valarie’s Pick (Community Assistant)
Avant Garde & Experimental Filmmaking

This is one of the most unique classes provided by ASoF. Learn how to use and shoot on Super 8mm cameras and process your film stock by hand. Not only that, but also explore the history of avant-garde and experimental film by watching and discussing important films and directors. By the end of this class not only will you get knowledge and hands-on experience with actual film, you'll have a short experimental film to call your own. 

Avant-Garde & Experimental Filmmaking Avant-Garde & Experimental Filmmaking Avant-Garde & Experimental Filmmaking
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Avant-Garde & Experimental Filmmaking

Mia’s Pick (Digital Marketing)
Digital Filmmaking

If you're looking to be a part of filmmaking in whatever position-- gaffer, cinematographer, sound, etc-- I'd recommend starting with Digital Filmmaking. Its a great intro class, and even if you know the basics the class provides you with something very important: the means to make a short film. Plus you can use the Cinemaker Space to shoot and the iMac lab to edit.

Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen
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Digital Filmmaking: Script to Screen