MIX/VHS | Week 076
Week 076
Trust us. This is one of our best. Always eclectic, always fresh, always stellar: we hope you fall onto a billowy comforter in a nice, air conditioned room and enjoy these recommendations of what to watch from your buddies at MIX/VHS!
Dancing in the Street // Silent Music Video
There are few videos or movies that I watch more than once. I mean, life is short and all that. BUT Anytime I need a little pick me up, I hit up this video. Youtube to the rescue. Also, after being on set for a handful of music videos, I can honestly say this is not too far from the truth.
- Carrie
Margo Lily
Margo Lily is a short film that quickly grabs your heart strings as a couple deals with the loss of a child. It has all the smart choices that makes a good short film: 1 location, simple story line, great acting, and a powerful meaning behind it. But beyond the technical details, I really love the raw emotion and authentic feel this short brings out!
- Valarie
Aphex Twin // T69 Collapse
Three short films where filmmaker Lenka Clayton allows her toddler son walk from her, and us the audience, for an almost uncomfortable amount time and distance. There's this feeling of growing anxiety mixed with an endearing sweetness of this little boy plopping along farther and farther away from the still camera that really places you in the role of parenthood. If you can't see this series at the Blanton Museum where I first experienced them, you can watch them online! See this simple little films of this sweet boy run away in a park, in an alleyway in Pittsburg, and in a grocery store that made me feel more emotions than the entirety of Solo: A Star Wars Story!!
- Spencer
Sorry To Bother You
Boots Riley definitely pushes boundaries in his directorial debut. Crafting a dystopian universe in present-day Oakland, Riley illustrates the paradox and satire of capitalism and cultural appropriation. He blends genres of of comedy, drama, and dystopian sci-fi to create an insane yet relatable narrative for those of us who've been part of corporate life. It's completely bonkers at times, yet so fresh and clever. So far my favorite this year.
- Janet
Sunshine #2 Island
I have been finding it difficult to step away from myself and things going on this year and summer, and find myself romanticizing a vacation or break. This video is something of a beautiful getaway, a brief glimpse into modern island living. I love the music and how it blends with the stunning imagery, and for a brief few minutes with each viewing, I get that little necessary vacation.
- Jake
The Gap
This video is for the beginners and veteran’s of the arts alike. A nice little reminder that the struggles you go through as an artist are temporary. So keep working on your script, edit, or painting and relax and reassure to the smooth sounds of the voice of Ira Glass.
- Joey
Like this mix? Tell us what you think in the comments below, and let us know what you’re recommending for us to watch this week!