MEMBER MONDAY | Matt McAllister


Matt McAllister

is an emerging filmmaker, student, and creative intern. Learn about how he decided to take the dive into film school and more!

Let’s get right into it, tell us about yourself! Can you talk a little about your background and what ignited your interest in filmmaking? How did you find yourself in Austin, Texas?


I’m a 20 year old student, filmmaker, and intern. I only recently got into filmmaking my senior year of high school in 2015. I had a teacher who had me submit two videos to a competition for the Technology Student Association. When both of my videos won region then in state I thought, hm, maybe this is something I could do. I found myself in Austin, Texas because I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in my home town of San Antonio, Texas. I knew Austin was a hub for this industry and so I just knew I had to play some part in that. I’ve always been the type of person that gets bored extremely fast so I’m always looking for the next thing to try and be my best at.

You’re currently a film student at Austin School of Film and you also are currently completing an internship with us in conjunction. What brought you to Motion Media Arts Center?

I think I initially decided to check out the Motion Media Arts Center because I loved everything we stand for. I truly believe without the resources and tools so many need to succeed they wouldn’t be where they are today. So when I learned how the Austin School of Film at the MMAC provides so many with the necessary tools they need I knew I had to get involved.

“I knew Austin was a hub for this industry and so I just knew I had to play some part in that. “


How has it been balancing the two worlds as a student and a team member at Motion Media Arts Center?

It’s definitely been interesting for sure. I also currently work retail, so trying to find a balance hasn’t been the easiest of things. It’s been stressful but to have these experiences is not something I would ever want to give up.

What is your primary artistic medium/focal point right now, as you continue to learn & develop your skills?

My primary focal point right now is trying to merge my love for film, activism, and diversity into one. I’ve always known I wanted to help people in some shape or form so I would love to shine a light on subjects and stories that have yet to be told so that others can feel included and represented.

Do you find yourself resonating with any specific role when it comes to filmmaking or being a creative? What area in film are you most eager to learn about?

To be honest I would love to do it all one day. From directing, producing, acting, and even to post production. As ambitious as that sounds I would just love to challenge myself in that way. As for learning I’m eager to know more about the correct way(s) to light my subjects. I plan on enrolling in a Lighting for Film & Video class here at ASoF next to do just that.

Is there anyone that influences or inspires your creative ideas?

I think find influences everywhere but right now I’ve been heavily influenced by director Luca Guadagnino. After seeing Call Me By Your Name when it came out and recently the Suspiria remake I’ve come to realize my love for different genres and that there’s no reason to put myself into a box.

What has been your biggest obstacle as an emerging creator?

My biggest obstacle so far has been myself in terms of balancing all that I have going on and still finding time to create.

How has being a member of Austin Cinemaker Space helped foster your creativity?

It has definitely helped me in seeing other creatives here who are trying to achieve the same things. It definitely inspires me to keep going and keep creating.

If you could give your past self advice five years ago, what would you tell yourself?

I would tell 15 year old me that it’s okay. It’s okay to not know what you want to do. It’s okay that you don’t know how or why your life will change. I would tell myself that you’ll find your way and that there’s no reason to rush because you are on your own path.


Do you have a piece of work that you are most proud of? What is it?

I’m most proud of my public service announcement and advertisement videos that won first in region and state for the Technology Student Association. Both were short pieces about technological advances.

Are you currently working on any project?

I’m currently working on a script for a short film. It is a coming of age drama about a mother and son duo who share the same birthday and while having many similarities are in fact extremely different.

Anything else you’d like to share? Shout out? Tell the arts community?

Follow me on instagram if you’d like, @matttmcallister. I’d like to tell the arts community to continue in the direction we’re going. Let’s continue to create and showcase amazing works for the community!

Follow Matt on IG at: @mattmcallister

MEMBER MONDAYS is a weekly interview series highlighting current members & alumni of the Austin School of Film + Austin Cinemaker Space community! Each week, we’ll be featuring one of our incredibly eclectic community members and take a deep dive into their work. Gaining an insight into what makes them, them.

INTERVIEW BY: Daniela Lewkowicz