CASTING CALL for A Restful Sleep

From the creators of Blackout, Harper's Song and cult classic Dorito's Heros comes a new action/comedy short directed by Meg Peck and Andrew Olson, produced by (MMAC Community Director and Digital Film instructor) Carrie Cates. 

Synopsis: When Bob "needs" his sleep, what will his wife Valerie have to overcome in the night while that happens?

Character Descriptions:

Valarie - loving, but annoyed wife.  Actress capable of or having some some some stunt choreography background a plus.

Bob - self-centered, but like-able husband.

Robber - desperate, masked/later unmasked person (male or female) also capable of some stunt choreography

Cop 1 & 2- serious police officer, male or female

Pay is low but negotiable, meals and digital copy will be provided.  Also willing to trade for future monologue or audition shoot/headshot shoot/reel editing work.  This group has been working together for a long while, shoot will be fun, efficient, collaborative, and reel-worthy. To get a little BTS of us working in the past, check this video out.

Timeline (quick turn around):

Auditions will be primarily June 2nd (extra dates may be added) in Austin

Stunt rehearsals and blocking will be the weekend of June 9th 

Shoot will likely be June 16th with 17th as a backup in Southwest Austin


To apply to audition, send headshots, resume, links to work/reels to