2018 E.A.S.T ARTIST HIGHLIGHT | Jenna Wedgewood

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Jenna Wedgewood

We're exploring the world of the dozens of local artists featured at MMAC’s 2018 EAST gallery and their mediums. The goal of this series is to shed light on real-life Central Texas artists exploring what & why they create.

Tell us a little bit about your work, medium, and your journey to becoming an artist! 

I began shooting concerts and festivals years back and concentrated on live music photography for a long time before focusing on other areas. These days I love to photograph the ocean, marine life, nature, wildlife, inspiring places, the moon and the sky. My sky photos look like paintings in a way and the reaction to these particular pictures was what really pushed me to do an exhibition. 

Much of your photography is of the sky.  What is it about your subject of choice that most inspires you?  How do you choose when to point the camera into the heavens?

The sky is captivating and gives so much perspective. It constantly transforms and is that around-the-clock reminder that everything is temporary. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful atmosphere. I hope we learn the importance of taking care of it.

If I see striking colors or cloud patterns that inspire me on the drive home from work, that is usually when I decide to grab the camera. Then it’s a race to the balcony to zoom in and photograph the sun setting with an abstract perspective.

Outside of photography, what other kinds of mediums do you play in, admire, or enjoy being inspired by?

Music has always impacted my life in such a big way. I’m sure that is why I focused on it so much in the beginning. Now, I purposely look for inspiration everywhere in my day-to-day life. From a kind moment between strangers, stumbling upon street art, a friend overcoming something they’ve been working on, a film that sticks with you, someone helping an animal in need, to a brave person battling grim challenges in stride, I am truly influenced by what I encounter everyday.

Since this is the East Austin Studio Tour, let's tie this into Austin.  How do you feel that Austin has had an impact on your work as an artist?

There is definitely a growing art world here in Austin that is inspiring to observe and to participate in it. EAST is a nice platform for artists and the community to appreciate and celebrate art together. The map of this event is massive and it brings out the most engaging people. After participating in art related events in Austin, I always feel encouraged to carry on with my creative endeavors. 




Big Medium's East Austin Studio Tour (EAST) is a free, annual, self-guided art event spanning two weekends in November. EAST provides opportunities for the public to meet the artists and artisans of Austin in their creative spaces.