31 Days of Horror! Day 13 | Pumpkinhead


Our Community Director Carrie Cates is watching a horror film each day this October, in what she has dubbed 31 Days of Horror! We’ll be posting her spooky cinema journey here every day this month, so check back in to see what she’s watching next!


"Okay, this movie was stupid fun.  The lore behind it is great, the production value and set pieces are great, and the monster is pretty well put together.  You can certainly tell the director is a visual effects guy.  Where this movie falls short is the acting.  While the father-son relationship is really cohesive and great, the teenagers are super unpredictable and don’t really follow a through point.  I feel like this would make a decent double feature with Critters if you’re looking for a fun night of silly horror.

2 out of 5 on the fright-o-meter for monster effects and a couple “NO!  Don’t go that way” moments."