31 Days of Horror! Day 12 | Cube


Our Community Director Carrie Cates is watching a horror film each day this October, in what she has dubbed 31 Days of Horror! We’ll be posting her spooky cinema journey here every day this month, so check back in to see what she’s watching next!


"This is exactly why you should pay attention in math class, kids.  Seriously though, this is kind of a dream film to work on looking at it from a producer’s standpoint: just a handful of actors, one room that can be backlit with different colors minimal props, minimal costumes, and everything super contained to this box.  I still don’t think I fully understand what it is that makes the cop snap exactly, and some of the acting is a little weird.  I  had expected that a movie that talks so much about a box being so suspenseful would be more suspenseful, but it has its moments.  This would work really well as a Twilight Zone episode for sure.

3 out of 5 on the fright-o-meter for gore and a couple jump scares."

-  Carrie