31 Days of Horror! Day 5 | Creep
Our Community Director Carrie Cates is watching a horror film each day this October, in what she has dubbed 31 Days of Horror! We’ll be posting her spooky cinema journey here every day this month, so check back in to see what she’s watching next!
"This movie certainly has its flaws, but Mark Duplass really keeps you on your toes and entertained throughout. While you’re never really sure where this thing is going, there are moments that will have you laughing at the situation or the characters, other times you’re face-palming and shaking your head, and others you’re on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what to think. I will say, outside of Mark, the acting falls short, and the movie somewhat feels in production value and storyline like two friends making a movie with a video camera they just found over the course of a weekend. It also relies somewhat heavily on what I’m going to call a Duplass scare, which is a jump scare where Mark hides and then when the camera is all zoomed in and shaky, he just jumps out. It made me jump every time though, so I suppose it worked. The pay-off for this movie though really makes it worth the watch. A true horror for any freelance filmmaker.
4 out of 5 on the frightometer for the numerous Duplass scares."
- Carrie