CAST CALL: TBD Comedy/Drama Short Film
Synopsis: When Wendell, a young lad who seems to have crawled out of a kitchy Wes Anderson flick, decides to leave the house alone on an adventure he meets Howard, a gruff, homeless, veteran. The unlikely pair learn a thing or two about themselves through this short encounter. The students of Austin School of Film's youth digital filmmaking class (under the advisement of Carrie Cates) are looking to cast the following parts for their upcoming comedy short film. Don't get the wrong idea, while these students are high school aged, they are being trained to work as a professional film crew:
Wendell - A young boy , 7-12 years old, who seems to live in a Wes Anderson dream world. He's polite, but has little knowledge about what it would take to live on his own.
Howard - Adult male who in a past life had a son and wife, but when he returned from service things changed for him. He's been living on the streets for a while.
All filming will be done on location in and around Austin, TX. While parts are unpaid, time commitment is very low, and digital copy and an invite to the cast and crew preview will be included.
Auditions are this coming week on Wednesday. So, if you are interested in taking part, please email Carrie at ASAP. Headshot and resume optional.