MIX/VHS | Week 013


Need to beat the summer heat? Have no idea what to watch this week in the comfort of your air conditioned home? MIX/VHS has you covered! Check out this week's mix of visual media to explore and enjoy!

Dan Deacon // When I Was Done Dying (dir. by Dave Hughes)

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Watching great animation gives you a sense of mainlining the creator's mind directly, however fantastic or twisted it may be. WIWDD provides that nine times in a row. Created as a music video for Dan Deacon's song (itself more of a spoken narrative than a piece of music), nine animators drew sections of the journey from birth to death to rebirth, and stitched them together in surprisingly cohesive fashion. Pairing recommendations include a 2005 Cabernet, and LSD.

-  JJ

Moulin Rouge (dir. by Baz Luhrmann)



This year celebrates the 15th anniversary of Baz Lurhmann's Moulin Rouge. Released in 2001, I remember my parents taking me to see it in theaters when I was six years old. I was entranced in the kaleidoscope of color and sound, and I think we must have seen it three times while it was showing. That year for Halloween I wanted to be Satine, and was obsessed with finding a pair of fishnets, which for my tiny six year old self was quite the challenge. Moulin Rouge remains one of my favorite films of all time, and Baz Luhrmann is one of my favorite directors. The way he and his wife/partner in creative design work together is amazing. Her attention to detail with costumes is baffling. I heard that each can can dancer in the film is themed to a different location across the world. The aesthetic of the film is so dreamlike and you feel like you're in turn of the century paris, yet it's so relatable in how modern it's been portrayed. The soundtrack is the icing on the cake, blending modern (for it's release) and classic pop tracks, with a cinematic sound that all come together to create a musical of gigantic proportions. Moulin Rouge is one of my favorites, and even if you've seen it at some point throughout the years, you should definitely watch it again. Happy 15th Anniversary, Moulin Rouge!
- Sloane

Weekend Plans: Episode 1 (dir. by Ronald Short)



This series seriously cracks me up because it hits so close to home. Firstly, it's shot and features Austin, TX and is very much about how most of us spend the weekends around here. In this first episode, we reach a tipping point when no one can decide where to go for dinner. Yeah, we've all been there. The full series is pretty great, but the first episode is one of my favorites. I must say though, I am a little bias as this series was created by a friend of mine, but shhh!  Enjoy!

-  Carrie

The Diary of a Teenage Girl (dir. by Marielle Heller)



Based on Phoebe Gloeckner's graphic novel by the same name, The Diary of a Teenage Girl revolves around Minnie, a 15 year old girl with a wild imagination and an even wilder curiosity. When Minnie's mother becomes to busy to spend time with her boyfriend, she kiddingly suggests he take Minnie instead. The date begins a twisted turn of events that makes  things much more complicated. This is a very interesting coming-of-age film taking place in 1976 San Francisco. It's artfully filmed and delightfully shocking.

-  Felix

COS x SOU FUJIMOTO - Forest of Light (dir. by Elena Petitti di Roreto)



Take a deep breath. A real, honest deep breath. Close your eyes. Sit for just a moment. Relax. And when you are ready, watch this impeccably beautiful short, Forest of Light. It is mostly an exercise in light, music, and cinematography, and all the better for it. It's probably the most relaxing piece of imagery I have ever seen. The balance of editing mixed with the imagery on screen gives this sense of floating in this other-worldly environment, and showcases the power to these talented filmmakers. I want more from them.

-  Jake

Funnel (dir. by Andre Hyland)



If there's ever a time in your life where you feel creatively drained or discouraged to point of not wanting to make a film, watch this. And then realize that it was made for less than $100, shot in one day, and STILL made it as a selection at Sundance Film Festival in 2014. You can do it! Oh. And it's also pretty dang funny.

-  Spencer

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