MIX/VHS | Week 078
Week 078
Have an afternoon snack! Check out the latest edition MIX/VHS and get your healthy, weekly dose of weird and wild our excellent contributors have mixed up for you!
Big Dipper // La Croix Boy
Honestly, if you're not down with a cape-like jacket and towering throne made out of La Croix cans, I don't know what on this earth can save you. Cheers to my pal Nathan Bayless for blessing me with Big Dipper's ICONIC music video. Also, big shout out to skinny can Cucumber + Blackberry La Croix that didn't get a full-on worshipping in the lyrics. The dis-re-SPECT! They goofed up. Otherwise, stellar experience.
- Spencer
Table 19
For some reason, this has always been one of those movies that I also seem to scroll past on my Amazon Prime queue, however, I was surprisingly impressed by the film Table 19 (2017) after I watched it a few weeks ago. An adult-version of the Breakfast Club (1985), the film follows a seemingly, randomly-assembled group of wedding guests — Anna Kendrick, Tony Revolori, Stephen Merchant, Craig Robinson, Lisa Kudrow and June Squibb — who are seated at the same table. As the film continues on, each character divulges certain secrets about themselves which leads them to eventually piece together the reasons why they all have ended up at this table in the first place. A truly interesting and an unique script, I would definitely recommend you all give this one a watch as I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and had no regrets after watching it.
- Zoe
Kingpin - Ernie McCracken's Fund Commercial
I might have missed the Farrelly Brothers train a little bit. I am a huge fan of Dumb and Dumber and would put it as a classic American comedy. However, the directors' other material has never quite struck me as that worthwhile. I recently watched "Kingpin," their spiritual sequel to Dumb and Dumber - a down-on-his-luck, former-amateur-bowling-champion helps train an Amish bowler to compete at the Reno Bowling tournament. It's a somewhat cliche sports story with some funny bits, but mostly ill-fitting humor and a lackluster script. HOWEVER, the film has one incredible aspect - Bill Murray, delivering an Oscar-worthy performance the villainous Ernie McCracken, the current Bowling Champion. While I would not recommend the movie, I absolutely recommend watching the fake charity ad that Bill Murray's character stars in, in his attempt to sleaze his way into being "the good guy." It is dirty, sly, and makes you love to hate the evil that is Ernie McCracken.
- Jake
Cover Band of America: "Bohemian Rhapsody"
A young man, Captan Bob, lip syncs to Queen's timeless Bohemian Rhapsody. Although the sync isn't completely there, his emotional depth and passion truly is. Take a look!
- Mia
Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe
This short film documents the fulfillment of a promise that Werner Herzog made to Errol Morris. He told Morris that if he ever finished making Gates of Heaven, he would eat his shoe. And he does! He boils his boots in duck fat, rosemary, and garlic, and eats them in a lecture hall in front of an audience of students. And of course, as with any footage of Werner Herzog, there are countless nuggets of Herzogian wisdom.
- Morgan
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