Faiza Kracheni is currently the Education & Programs Director of Motion Media Arts Center.
Learn more about her & her involvement in the arts community!
Tell us about yourself— who are you and what do you do?
Faiza with the film festival she co-founded, Transform Film Fest
I am the Programs & Education Director at Motion Media Arts Center. Outside of the organization, I do quite a bit within the arts. I am an educator both at Austin School of Film and other organizations like the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC), I run & co-founded a Texas-based film festival for women called Transform Film Fest, I play in band(s), I make films primarily on film format, and I sleep when I have enough time (haha). When I am not in Austin doing these things, you can find me on tour around the world with my current band playing shows city to city. Lastly, I definitely consider myself an activist for working class communities and am extremely passionate about preserving the communities in East Austin. I was born & raised in East Austin to a single mother and actually grew up in a house my grandfather built long long ago. Yes, I am from Austin!
What does your role at Motion Media Arts Center entail?
The thing about non-profits is…. everyone does a little of everything when you’re in a Director role. My official title is Programs & Education Director. This means, I develop classes, programs, and events for the nonprofit organization. I also am responsible for hiring faculty and staff members, writing grants, and working directly with the two other Directors on operational and management of the organization. In 2014, I begin researching what is now the Austin Cinemaker Space program. It is something I am extremely proud of developing and implementing in real-time for the community who (still) desperately needs access to space, resources, and tools. The special thing about MMAC is it’s ever-evolving. As the industry shifts, we shift. As education standards shift, we shift. As equipment changes, we change. We pride ourselves with keeping up-to-date not only on educational + industry standards but practice + protocol within inclusion. A diverse community is a powerful community!
Why are you passionate about THIS organization and THIS mission?
I am passionate about access and easing the access for all people - no matter their socioeconomic background. I want to defy statistics that have held marginalized people back from gaining access to things like technology, education, space, and resources. As a Director of MMAC, I can say with truth: we accomplish this. Through Austin School of Film, we are giving people of all ages access to digital media education at free or low costs. Literally anyone of any age can apply for payment plans or sliding scale options. Anyone can walk into our door and inquire about space, education, or even use a computer to access information.
We develop and execute programs that solve problems in the now while also working on long-term sustainable developments for the future. I am so passionate about this organization because I see everyday real change and real people who we are helping build more successful futures but also build successful todays!
Unlike much of corporate America, non-profit staff members are motivated by something other than a year-end bonus. What drives you to pursue bigger goals, grants, and dreams for MMAC?
I have a simple answer for this one: the people we directly impact each and every day. I see the long and short term effects our programming has to people of all ages and all backgrounds. We’re doin’ important stuff.
Faiza on tour in Mexico with her band, August 2018
What is the most challenging obstacle you face in running a non-profit?
F-U-N-D-I-N-G. There’s never enough! The cost of living and inflation have definitely had their long-term effects on communities (all over the U.S.) and it’s something that is rampantly displacing residents, families, and artists who have been rooted in Austin for years. It’s something our organization does our best to address with our programs and our hope is to continue expanding these programs to serve more and more people every day.
In your opinion, what is most important for people to take away from this interview with Motion Media Arts Center?
Motion Media Arts Center is place that values and promotes diversity, inclusion and accessibility within the arts and creative sectors. We believe everyone deserves the right to access education, space, and tools and we will do our best to continue providing quality programs, classes and events in a community-driven creative space. If you feel passionate about these same things, consider making a donation towards our Amplify Austin campaign - if you don’t have funds to donate BUT want to get involved, don’t be shy to reach out - we’re here for YOU!
Faiza and fellow Director Carrie with certificate student Wallace, December 2017