CASTING CALL For Short Film "Your Truly"

Type of Production: Short Film

Producer: Illyana Bocanegra

Project Description:

Sid, Reine, and Wesley are three best friends navigating their last Summer of being together before their last Summer as high schoolers and the ~rest of their lives~. What each of them doesn’t know is that they have a secret they need to tell the group. Will these secrets jeopardize their friendship?

Accepting video auditions.

Roles Available:

[SID] [GENDER: Woman] [AGE: 16-17]

Sid, an angsty and complicated outcast, lives in Austin, Texas with her two best friends, Wesley and Reine. Sid convinces the gang to write letters to each other to read aloud before the end of Summer--really, as a way to finally express her feelings for Reine before the Summer’s over.

[WESLEY] [GENDER: Man] [AGE: 16-17]
Wesley is a quirky, sensitive guy who loves watching old b-films with his friends, collecting records, and getting into trouble. His charisma and charm are some of his best assets besides being an excellent lister. Sid and Reine confide things in him that they couldn’t tell anyone else.  With the Summer coming to an end, all he wants to do is spend as much time goofing off before having to get a job and grow up.

[REINE] [GENDER: Woman] [AGE: 15-17]
Reine, the quietest and most focused friend of the group hasn’t told her best friends that she is going to college despite promising them she had no plans to and wasn’t applying. With this new exercise in place to write a letter before the Summer ends, she decides it’s the best way to tell them both.

Compensation: Non-Paid | Meals | DVD/Digital Copy
