CAST & CREW CALL For Short Film "Lovers Lane"

Project Type: Short Film

Director: Dan Carbin

Project Description:

This is a short film (5 minutes). It will be in, what I call, a Romantic/Horror genre. It will be filmed at night, mostly, at Auditorium Shores with the lit-up Austin skyline as a backdrop.

I am looking for 3 actors. 2 males and 1 female between the ages of 20-30.

I am also looking for any professional help. I would like at least one boom mic holder plus anyone else for help, especially technical.

Character Breakdown:

Mike - is the protagonist. He is a hard-on his luck kind of guy who is lost. He doesn't like his job or life but falls in love with a girl that he seems desperate to keep.
Boss - is the bad guy who is the antithesis of Mike in that he is successful and confident. He has plenty of luck with women but doesn't have honorable intentions.
Girl - is the object of Mike’s affection even though she’s a ghost and maybe using him to avenge her murder.

Crew Positions Available:

boom mic operator
any other technical help

Compensation: Non-Paid | Meals

Date of Audition: 04-05-2020
