Call for 2021 Artist-in-Residence, Planet Texas 2050


The Opportunity:

In recognition of the important role that the arts play in communicating new research and challenging the public to think in new ways about critical social and environmental issues, Planet Texas 2050, a research grand challenge at The University of Texas at Austin, seeks to launch an Artist-in-Residence Program for the spring and/or summer semester(s) of the 2020- 2021 academic year.

Through this request for proposals, Planet Texas 2050 will select one or more artists to collaborate with researchers. We will select participants whose vision best matches that of Planet Texas and who demonstrate capacity to produce original art - i.e., visual art, music, drama, etc. which can be made public via physical and/or virtual mediums. Artistic collaboration must relate clearly to some combination of the concepts of resilience, climate change, equity, growth, or adaptation. Work should be based on this premise: when artists tackle climate change through their work and invite the public to engage in new, unexpected ways, they can reach people in a way that scientists and other academic researchers most often cannot.

Special consideration will be given to those artists best able to represent communities of color or otherwise ensure that different voices and experiences are considered, facilitating outreach and engagement between Planet Texas and oppressed communities on the front lines.