VIDEOGRAPHER WANTED For Recording Keynote Speaker [PAID]

Project Title: Recording Keynote Speaker @ Conference

Producer: Carmie McCook

Writer: Carmie McCook

Director: Carmie McCook

Looking For: CREW

Project Description: I will be the keynote speaker at the Gulf Coast Power Association's Women's Leadership Conference in Austin on January 17th. As a professional speaker, I want to get video of my presentation, audience reaction shots, etc. I need one camera, mostly shooting my presentation (45 minutes long), some good audience reaction shots, and good audio feed from my wireless lapel microphone. But, if a 2nd camera person wants to join in to get B-roll of the audience, all the better. No editing required. I only need the raw footage. I can pay $100 to cover gas and meals. Let me know before January 10th if you are interested!

FYI: I'm a former TV reporter and writer/producer/director of more than 300 TV projects, documentaries, commercials, and corporate image programs and used to hire students as often as possible. Nothing takes the place of hands-on experience! This won't be a project that stretches your creativity, but you can make some good potential client contacts! And, I'm a super nice person to work with!

Compensation: PAID

Contact: Carmie McCook |