31 Days of Horror! Day 10 | I Am Not A Serial Killer


Our Community Director Carrie Cates is watching a horror film each day this October, in what she has dubbed 31 Days of Horror! We’ll be posting her spooky cinema journey here every day this month, so check back in to see what she’s watching next!

I Am Not A Serial Killer

"Shot on BEAUTIFUL 16mm, this film really went under the radar for how good it is. Christopher Lloyd gives a stellar performance, and there isn’t really a moment I can think of that was poorly executed in this film, as you usually find in the genre. I particularly enjoyed the storyline and how it doesn’t necessarily make the twists and turns that people seem to think they have to pack into horror flicks these day, but instead it has this great pacing that keeps you glued to the screen. It somewhat reminded me of Let the Right One In in that regard.

2 of 5 on the fright-o-meter for a few intense moments and blood."

-  Carrie