MIX/VHS | Week 026

Hi stranger! It's been awhile. We hope you enjoy yet another rendition of MIX/VHS this week, because boy, do we have a great mix for you or what!?

Hi Stranger!



This video has pretty much burned it's image into my brain since I saw it at SXSW in the Midnight Shorts block this year.  So weird, silly, and somewhat mesmerizing.  I think you'll see what I mean as you watch it.  The animation + the voice acting really makes this piece great.

-  Carrie

Kendrick Lamar // HUMBLE.



All aboard the new Kendrick Lamar album hype train!! Hot off the heels of releasing The Heart, pt. 4, I've been dying to hear new music from this guy. Not only did he deliver with this banger of a new tune, but the subsequent video that was released along with it is equally as captivating, if not more so. There were many times throughout this video that I thought myself "How did they DO that!?" The wild cinematography and extraordinary vision is what elevates Kendrick, yet again, to King status in the rap music video world.

-  Spencer

The Discovery

The Discovery - Still 1


(and read Jake's FULL review HERE!!)

The Discovery has a very enticing premise - what if the afterlife was scientifically proven, and because of this, suicide rates increase dramatically? It is an intriguing film, bolstered by some of the finest filmmakers and actors in the field today. The film is expertly crafted, directed, shot, edited, and balances a dark, yet quirky, tone from start to finish. But most importantly, this film is supported by some of the best performances I have seen this year (so far, that is). Robert Redford, Jesse Plemons, and Rooney Mara all give nuanced, tour-de-force performances, but the highlight is a standout performance from lead Jason Segal, who proves that he is worth more than we have seen so far.

-  Jake

The Last Unicorn



Ok, so let me preface this by saying, you've probably already seen The Last Unicorn. Maybe even multiple times... but I suggest you revisit it with new eyes! What this movie lacks in story it makes up for in perfect aesthetics, awkward pauses, and some truly strange moments. I kinda feel like it's the cartoon equivalent of Labyrinth, so yeah... you should watch it again. Watch it, with a weird, bubbly background!
- Felix




I can't get over how much I love this show. I binged both seasons in a few days while working on stuff around the house. I don't really want to give away any of the plot, because I went into it knowing nothing, and I think that really added to it. It's like watching the best, 20 hour rom-com ever. It's funny and lighthearted, while having really serious moments as well, giving a well rounded view of two people's relationship and their relationship to other people. Both seasons are on Netflix now, and I highly recommend curling up on your couch and giving them a go.

-  Sloane

Chairlift // Amanaemonesia



I love Chairlift!! At first, I wasn't a big fan because I knew nothing about them. But then I found this incredible music video of this incredible song, and it changed everything. Such a unique, fresh synth-pop sound incorporated with eclectic, low-fi vibe of the video.  These guys are true artists. Absolutely worth checking out!

-  JJ

Like this mix? Tell us what you think in the comments below, and let us know what you’re recommending for us to watch this week!

(Oh. And JJ's REAL pick was a sports noir short film Yellow, directed by Alexander Hankoff & Alexander Maxwell. Be sure to check that out too, it is excellent. Happy Belated April Fools Day, JJ!)